New Community

Reconciled to be Reconcilers

Becoming a Member

How do I become a Member?

At New Community, we recognize the need for formal membership, based on Ephesians 2:19 – “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.”

We ask you to commit to membership for four reasons:

1. Biblical Reason:

It is a visible expression of a spiritual reality. Christ is committed to the church ­ His body ­ and calls us to be committed to one another in love, which “binds us all together in perfect unity” (Colossians 3:14­15).

We belong to each other. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” and are called to make a commitment to life together: “Christ loved the church and he gave his life for it.” Ephesians 5:25

2. A Cultural Reason:

It is an antidote to our society. We live in an age where very few want to be committed to anything. A job. A marriage. A church. This attitude has produced a generation of “church shoppers and hoppers”. Membership swims against the current of America’s “consumer religion”. It is an unselfish decision. Commitment always builds character.

3. A Practical Reason:

It defines who can be counted on. Every team must have a roster. Every school must have an enrollment. Every business has a payroll. Every army has an enlistment. Even our country takes a census and requires voter registration. Membership helps us define who can be counted on.

4. A Personal Reason:

It produces growth. The New Testament places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. You cannot be accountable when you’re not committed to any specific church family. Did you know that there are 39 “one another” commands that cannot be fulfilled without a commitment to a specific church family?

What is expected of me as a Member?

At New Community we never ask our members to do more than what the Bible clearly teaches. We only expect our members to do what the Bible expects every Christian to do. These responsibilities are spelled out in the Membership Covenant.

How do I become a Member?

The FIRST step in the process of becoming a Member is attending the Membership Class. This class is a great opportunity to learn about our church mission and vision. The class is taught by our staff and leadership team and is offered periodically throughout the year. The SECOND step is to meet in person with someone from the Leadership Team. The THIRD step is being voted in at the next Member Meeting. We look forward to seeing you at these classes as you take steps towards becoming a NewCom Member! To take the next step, please contact


We have reserved parking on W. Logan Blvd, designated with orange cones between N. Francisco Ave. and Sacramento Ave. Parking is also available on W. Schubert Ave., Sacramento Ave. and W. Diversey Ave. within approximately 2 blocks of our church.


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