New Community

Reconciled to be Reconcilers



We can grow by coming together to develop deeper relationships with God and one another.


Serving is where our faith meets action. Our church has several ministry teams and special events that will allow you to use your spiritual gifts, pursue your passion for various causes, and join others in impacting our community (in and outside of the church). The primary way to get involved in ongoing service at New Community is to join one of our ministry teams.
Click on the team you are interested in to fill out a short survey, which is sent to the leader of that team.

If you want to get involved with Open Arms Ministry (OAM), the nonprofit that runs out of our building on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, email their Program Director, Nikki, at (773) 570-0108 or




Thank you to everyone who gives faithfully and regularly!! Giving supports the mission and ministries of New Com, which we hope spiritually nourishes you and our community. If you aren’t currently giving, but are being nourished by our ministries, we ask that you prayerfully consider what it would look like to support the New Com ministries.




We have reserved parking on W. Logan Blvd, designated with orange cones between N. Francisco Ave. and Sacramento Ave. Parking is also available on W. Schubert Ave., Sacramento Ave. and W. Diversey Ave. within approximately 2 blocks of our church.


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