New Community

Reconciled to be Reconcilers




Register to Attend

Join us for our sermon recording and a brief time of fellowship. RSVP Required: The capacity for this gathering is 15 people. We will adhere to NewCom’s entry, building, and room requirements for our gathering, so please review them prior to signing up:

Entry Requirements
Please arrive at the church by 10:45 a.m. Upon arrival at church, you will be asked to:
* Complete COVID-19 screening questionnaire
* Have your temperature taken
* Wear a mask
* Use Hand Sanitizer

Building Requirements
* Face Masks required when walking through the building
* Hand Sanitizer upon entrance
* Only 4 people in the bathroom at a time
* Maintain 6 feet social distance

Room Requirements
* Open windows and fans on to promote optimal ventilation
* Accessible hand sanitizer and Clorox Wipes
* Seating 6 feet apart to promote social distancing
* Chairs and tables wiped down before and after the event

Register to Attend


We have reserved parking on W. Logan Blvd, designated with orange cones between N. Francisco Ave. and Sacramento Ave. Parking is also available on W. Schubert Ave., Sacramento Ave. and W. Diversey Ave. within approximately 2 blocks of our church.


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